Sunday, June 7, 2009

Miracle in my eyes!

Great news! Zach passed his TAKS tests....all of them and will not have to take them in his Senior year! That is very awesome news. With his dyslexia, it took many years for him to pass those tests and we are very proud of him and his accomplishments. In elementary, middle and part of HS, I was so worried that he would never pass them and that I would have to take him out of school to homeschool him. You see if you do not pass do not graduate from HS...even if you have straight A's.
Also, he will be in a very special group in Choir next year. It is called "Company B" and they are the best singers in the Choir and only a select few make this group. He is so excited and we are happy that he has found something he really enjoys.
I know Zach will probably not blog this so I wanted to share and brag, a bit.


Angela S said...

Congrats Zach! Reed struggled through high school and college with dyslexia disgraphia and ADD so we can kinda appreciate how exciting this is for ya'll. We're really happy for you!

Laura said...

Great job Zach! We're so proud of you.

Cassie said...

Cant wait to see you singing at the football games next year!

Sarah Coyne said...

Congrats to Zach! That is great news!