Saturday, June 13, 2009

MY trip to Kelsey Seybold

Charlissa and I have had some interesting experiences with the guys in our family lately. Here is mine:

I had one of the most hilarious experiences of my life this past week. Dan, Charlissa, and I were all working but the boys needed to get their annual scout physicals. My schedule, for once, was the easiest to work around so I got to take them. I got off work, picked them up and I could tell instantly that Zach was really nervous. He did not want to have the "complete physical". He told me " Only one person can touch him there and that is him."
While we were waiting to be called in, Zach was a nervous wreck and he could not keep his legs still. Chase was being Mr. Cool and not saying much. His face expressed other than "coolness".
We got called in and the fun really began. First they were weighed and measured....almost neck to neck in these areas.
Then, off to the room to put on the lovely gowns. They hate the gowns (of course) and have me tie them up securely. The nurse steps in and does all the preliminary work for the doctor. She mentions they might have to get a shot. They had not thought of that and are off in another realm of fear. They start bargaining with the nurse. "We will come back next year to get it". "We promise we won't get hurt on the campout". " Please don't tell the doctor." The nurse explains that the shot is for tetnus and pertussis (whooping cough) and that whooping cough is coming back. That older kids and adults aren't affected much but it is dangerous for babies. I mentioned that they need to get the shot because Charlotte and Hailey are coming to visit in a little over a week. Zach turns to me and says " I don't know if the babies are worth it". At that very moment, he meant it. He has changed his mind since.
Then the dr comes in and starts going over their charts and within the first minute notices they need the shot! They are devastated she did not overlook that. She tells them she is ordering the shots. They are looking pretty pale.
Now, with their focus on shots and not on the upcoming complete physical, she starts with Zach. He does pretty well until she has to check his stomach. He is ticklish and is cracking up and when Zach is nervous it is hard for him to stop laughing. It is so contagious that Chase and I are just dying. Then comes time to check the family "jewels". Never been around during this type of examination and I have to say it is not as bad as what we women get! Over pretty fast with just some coughing.
Chase goes through the same ordeal, only, he is FAR more ticklish than Zach. He is laughing so hard when the dr checks his stomach that she can't feel his spleen, etc. He pushes her hands away and Zach is laughing so hard and trying to be quiet (not working) and I finally give in and crack up at the spectacle before us. When he has his check for hernias....cough. He is laughing so hard he cannot cough which makes his exam longer than Zachs. I honestly don't think he ever got a cough in, but his trying was just hilarious!
Finally, they can get dressed again. In comes the nurse with the shots. Worried looks abound. It takes a while for them to decide who has to get the shot first. Minutes later, Chase, who is more rational than Zach at the moment, walks to the table. He sits down and honestly says to the nurse, "Ya know, I used to like you". We all just laugh. The nurse is loving it. I went to stand by Chase in his time of pain and he said " Mom, just sit down" So, I did. Chase gets his shot and does well even though he looks like he might pass out.
Oh it is Zach's turn. Heaven help us really!! He looks like he is taking his last walk and takes forever to do it. This is serious business to him so he is not making jokes like Chase did. The nurse walks over with the shot in her hand . She takes off the top and Zach says "Mom!" He has his hand out, palm up, shaking it and the look on his face is "why aren't you over here holding my hand". So I asked him if he wants me to hold his hand. Nodding his head and still shaking his hand, says "YES!" What a sweaty palm! But he does ok.
Charlissa comes in after a few minutes waiting for lab work to be done and takes over so I can return to work . Oh, forgot to mention they did talk the dr out of the blood work portion. I think she just felt sorry for them.
As I was going back to work I felt I had just sat through a comedy act. It was that funny! The thought came to me, I wonder if I will have to hold Zach's hand when he gets his shots to go on his mission?


Laura said...

This is so funny! I appreciate those boys for getting the shots.

Karlene said...

Don't you love teenage boys? I don't know about you but I never went through anything like this with Laura, but the boys, oh man.
Nathan had to have me hold his had during some shots too...just last year. What will they do when they have to go alone. Such momma's boys.

Anonymous said...

Ok so I didn't laugh until she got to the very tops of my legs then I couldn't fight it anymmore. Also I already answered the question about the whole going by yourself. I said I would either take it like a tuff man and just do it or i'm just going to ask for two nurses one to hold my hand and another to give me the dumb shot. Most likly I am going to try and tuff it out.


Sister Rippstein said...


I swear.. this is the funniest thing I've read in like 3 weeks!

Cassie said...

LOL....wait till your kids hear that story!

Anonymous said...

First of all there is now a fifteen pound difference between me and zach, and don't worry mom, I'm sure that Zach will always have to hold your hand or the hand of his wife when these times come up. And also I was most DEFINATELY thinking about the physical more than the shot

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