Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Woman's Best Friend(s)

We decided the darling animals we found waiting for us on our return after a long day of playing are our favorite. They are perfect to take on a cruise where you do not have to worry about cooking ,cleaning, feeding anyone or thing....like pets!

We loved these little towel animals. We have more pictures of them that I will add when I receive Betty's pictures also.

We did not bring any of them home with us. We all already have pets and do not need more. Even if they are cute and cuddly like these. Plus, you have to pay for these if you take them off the ship.


Cassie said...

What is the second animal supposed to be? I remember Jonny and I had one that we never did decide what it was. I think my favorite was a monkey got one night!

Laura said...

Um, yeah...I was wondering the same thing as Cassie.

Karen Nelson said...

i think its a seal