Just a few more pictures of our gorgeous rainbow. Dan took so many that I wanted to be sure and publish his wonderful photography here on our blog.
Here is Zach doing what my children have always seemed to love to do after a storm....wade in the water. It was actually cold water and felt nice.
Look at the green green grass of home!!! Everything looks so fresh and revived. Friendswood really is a beautiful place to live.
Cool picture of the trees and grass! I know this child of yours still loves to do that...even if I am about to have a child of my own.
I love the way the sky turns green/yellow during a storm. I'm glad that you were all safe even though you had no idea about the tornado warning.
Playing in the puddles are the best part!! You have to go puddle jumping after the storm! It is even more fun when you do it during the storm. Bu that is just my own opinion.
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